Jenny’s Chicks: Feathers are for Flying!

Jenny’s Chicks: Feathers are for Flying!

It’s our second Fowl Friday for Jenny’s chicks, and all sixteen of them are growing like weeds!  Comparing them to our chicken chicks last year at the same age, they look remarkably similar developmentally, they’re just larger! This week has been all...
Lotus scoparius

Lotus scoparius

Lotus scoparius, also known as Deerweed or California Broom, is a short-lived perennial member of the legume family (Fabaceae), and native to much of California. Growing at elevations below 5000 feet this wild-looking sub-shrub has an open, and airy informal habit....
Whatever Happened to Jenny’s Eggs?

Whatever Happened to Jenny’s Eggs?

It has now been a month since we last updated on our turkey hen, Jenny, who at the beginning of June was busy producing her second clutch of eggs for the season. Although two chicks hatched from the first clutch, neither survived due to some misguided curiosity on the...
Varroa Management: Drone Brood Sampling & Removal

Varroa Management: Drone Brood Sampling & Removal

In our last bee post we noted that despite the outward appearance of our large swarm colony hive, which seemed to be thriving, that the colony in fact was coping with a significant, and potentially deadly infestation of Varroa mites.  Even though the hive currently...
The Most Famous, and Beautiful, Burger Buns

The Most Famous, and Beautiful, Burger Buns

In online baking circles these hamburger buns are truly legendary. We first learned of them through a post from Our Happy Acres last year.  After searching around numerous sites, including the Fresh Loaf and King Arthur Flour, and reading through numerous online...