Jenny’s Poults: An Unwelcome Visitor

Jenny’s Poults: An Unwelcome Visitor

On Thursday morning, around 6AM, just like any other morning I went up to the turkey pen to feed the poults.  As I approached the pen door I was shocked to see that one of the poults had managed to get into Jake’s side of the enclosure.  After what happened to...
July Garden Update

July Garden Update

While much of the country has been struggling to stay cool in record-breaking heat, this is our second summer in a row with unseasonably cool temperatures, and so far at least, the edible garden seems to be more or less on par with where it was last year....
Jenny’s Poults: 3 Weeks Old

Jenny’s Poults: 3 Weeks Old

On Monday, Jenny’s poults will be three weeks old, which is difficult to believe!  I swear it seems like they just hatched! This week they’re quickly losing their fluffy chick appearance as their feathers have continued to grow in, most notably their tail...