Native Wildlife

“An understanding of the natural world and what’s in it is a source of not only a great curiosity but great fulfilment.”

– David Attenborough

While we raise animals, plant gardens, and maintain the landscape, we are ever mindful that we share this land with a myriad of native wildlife species, from tiny insect pollinators, to full grown adult Mountain Lions.  The farm is situated within a fully functioning wild ecosystem, but human encroachment into wildland areas is fracturing habitat, and making it ever more challenging for some species, especially apex predators, to thrive.

As responsible livestock owners, we have built numerous lion-proof enclosures over the years, not just to keep our goats and poultry safe, but to protect the wildlife that lives here. With a little effort, we can coexist, share resources, and avoid any need to remove the wildlife that calls Curbstone Valley home.

An Absence of Deer

An Absence of Deer

I’ve written a number of posts over the years of about our frustrations with trying to grow fruit trees, and vegetables, under tremendous deer pressure. I never expected to write a post about a paucity of deer on the farm. Usually we’re posting about deer that have...

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Long-Horn Bees

Long-Horn Bees

This may be remembered as the year of the bee at Curbstone Valley.  It started when we installed a few hives of honey bees on the farm this spring, but we also greatly understand the importance of the native bees that frequent our crops and flowers. Research has...

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For Every Bird a Nest

For Every Bird a Nest

Last week I was out in the orchard, pulling weeds, and startled someone in our ‘Flavor Delight’ Aprium tree.  Not thinking much of it, I went back to weeding.  Throughout the afternoon though I noticed a rather drab bird darting in and out of the branches. Finches…...

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Arboreal Salamander

Arboreal Salamander

With a large, and persistent Pacific storm lashing the coast of California in recent days, there’s enough water running everywhere to make me think I’m going to sprout gills and webbed toes.  It’s rained 17 of the first 20 days in December, although our rainy month...

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