Zucchini Orange Bread

Zucchini Orange Bread

Even if you dislike zucchini, you’re sure to love this bread!  This is a wonderful way to use up some of your bumper crop of zucchini in summer and early autumn, or a way to use up those zucchini that grew too large.  The orange zest imparts a wonderful, and...
Santa Cruz Gartersnake

Santa Cruz Gartersnake

This afternoon a Santa Cruz Gartersnake (Thamnophis atratus atratus) was found sunning itself in the middle of the driveway.  This particular species is a very common, and very welcome, inhabitant of the farm. We are surrounded by woodland and have two seasonal creeks...
Demise of ‘Big Orange’

Demise of ‘Big Orange’

While the vegetable garden area is being prepped this year, we’ve been growing our tomatoes in pots on our front deck.  As there is a railing around this deck, it is one of the few places here where our plants are safe from browsing deer, at least until the deer...
Meet Wally

Meet Wally

There’s this strange phenomenon that occurs when a seemingly small tree is cut down.  In early morning light, looking up at the top of the canopy of a small, scrubby, half-dead oak, one’s brain does something akin to new math.  Estimating the approximate...