First Hive Inspection

First Hive Inspection

The swarm we collected on Thursday, and housed in a new hive in the orchard, so far seems to be doing very well. On Sunday afternoon, as the weather was warm and beautiful outside, we decided to conduct a brief cursory inspection of the hive.  As new beekeepers...
Impromptu Beekeepers

Impromptu Beekeepers

Spring has finally arrived!  Our phenomenally appalling weather for almost all of March has thankfully moved on.  Last week we had mudslides and fallen trees everywhere, but this week the sun is shining, and we’ve been enjoying some glorious spring weather. ...
Bee-ing Prepared: Hive Assembly

Bee-ing Prepared: Hive Assembly

As we mentioned in our Newbees post, we’re gearing up for our first honey bees this spring.  Before the bees arrive however, we need to ensure we have a place to put them! Although there are a few different styles of hives available to today’s beekeepers,...


This spring, like so many before us over the centuries, we’re venturing into the exciting world of beekeeping! Honey bee on bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare) We both have some limited previous experiences with honey bees.  I personally was very fortunate in middle...