The Slippery Slope…of Making Soap!

The Slippery Slope…of Making Soap!

Fall is breeding season for the goats, and our does have all been on their respective dates in the last month. We’ll be doing ultrasounds to confirm pregnancies very soon, and if everyone has settled, next spring we expect to not only have more baby goats on the...
A Fall Favorite: Apple Tart

A Fall Favorite: Apple Tart

As much as I love spring peas, and summer tomatoes, nothing really compares with the warm, rich flavors, and aromas, of fall. When it comes to the kitchen, fall is most definitely my favorite time of year, as the chilly autumn months herald the arrival of peak apple...
Bad Bee-havior: The Nectar Robbers

Bad Bee-havior: The Nectar Robbers

As mentioned in this post, during late summer and fall in this area there is a relative dearth of nectar available for our honeybees, as they depend heavily on native forage. One of the best native nectar sources this time of year for honey bees is Coyote Brush...
The Goat Pasture Fence…That Almost Wasn’t

The Goat Pasture Fence…That Almost Wasn’t

There’s no question that since their arrival the goats have become the focal point of the farm. A lot has changed here over the last couple of years, and our life now is very much planned around the goat year. As our small herd slowly expands we find ourselves...
The Writing Spiders Return

The Writing Spiders Return

I realize that I’ve posted about writing spiders before, so for more information about their feeding habits, and web construction, you can see the previous post here. However, this morning I encountered not one, but TWO species of Argiope spiders, suspended in their...