by Clare | Jun 10, 2011 | Farm Blog, Garden, Vegetables
Of everything we grow in the vegetable garden the only item used in the kitchen with greater frequency than fresh garlic, is onion. From salad dressings to soups, to breads, and baked dishes, there are a myriad of uses for garlic in the Curbstone Valley kitchen. We...
by Clare | Jun 8, 2011 | Farm Blog, Flora and Fauna, Native Wildlife, Natives
After this weekend’s rain, a rare 2.95 inches for June, I’ve been so busy outside this week that I’m getting a little behind on the blog. Hopefully our second annual view of spring through the office window will help make up for that though. After all, what’s not to...
by Clare | Jun 3, 2011 | Farm Blog, Turkeys
If you’ve followed our turkey woes this season you already know that our turkey hen, Jenny, had a tough start to spring this year. A number of her eggs were either damaged or destroyed while our always-struttin’-his-stuff Tom turkey tried to defend her...
by Clare | Jun 2, 2011 | Farm Blog, Flora and Fauna, Native Wildlife, Natives
This morning we were out feeding the bees, and suddenly heard a cacophony of birds in the orchard. Looking out toward the aprium tree, I could see two adult Lesser Goldfinches (Spinus psaltria) perched on the edge of the nest we found a couple of weeks ago. I...
by Clare | May 31, 2011 | Farm Blog, Honeybees
We swore we wouldn’t inspect the hives all at once again, but after a temperament shift in the apiary this weekend we felt compelled to see what was going on with the bees. On Saturday Mr. Curbstone was on the receiving end of some rather agitated guard bees. ...