The Goat Shed – Part III

The Goat Shed – Part III

A lot has happened since we last posted about our goat shed construction.  We’ve had word that the first of our reserved doelings was born on Sunday night, and we can’t wait to meet her.  We’re also crossing our fingers for a doeling from the next...
Hive Management: Splitting the Salvia Hive

Hive Management: Splitting the Salvia Hive

It is difficult to believe that we’re already embarking on our second year of beekeeping! Despite struggling with Varroa mites last fall, and losing two weaker colonies in our apiary over fall and winter, one to robbers, and the other to a Queen that abdicated,...
February Garden Update

February Garden Update

Our gardens are surely feeling neglected at the moment, so we’re briefly interrupting our goat shed construction to bring you a peek at our February garden. It’s interesting to see how this year compares to last.  Some plants are behind this year, and...
The Goat Shed – Part II

The Goat Shed – Part II

Since last weekend we’ve been insanely busy trying to get the goat shed built for our impending doeling arrivals this spring. It’s interesting how in one’s mind’s eye these projects always seem to go faster than they do in reality, but I think...
The Goat Shed – Part I

The Goat Shed – Part I

We’ve decided it’s time to stop putting off adding goats to the farm.  I was surprised on Christmas morning, with an envelope from Mr. Curbstone that  contained copies of the pedigrees, and due dates, of two Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goat doe kids.  Unbeknownst...