by Clare | Sep 18, 2012 | Farm Blog, Flora and Fauna, Native Plants
It’s mid-September, and the vast majority of endemic native plant species are done flowering for the season. However, in the last couple of weeks, one hold-out, Coyote Brush (Baccharis pilularis), also known as Chaparral Broom, has only just begun to bloom. Like...
by Clare | Sep 14, 2012 | Farm Blog, Goats
This, believe it or not, is our 300th blog post, so we thought we’d celebrate with Lotus and Minnie, and their favorite treat. We have a few different varieties of berries that grow wild on the property, much to the delight of the goats. California native...
by Clare | Sep 11, 2012 | Farm Blog, Farm Recipes
This is where I come clean. I am NOT a fan of eggplant. I’m not. Honestly. I never have been. For me, more often than not, eggplant was always overcooked, mushy, and watery, and left little to be desired on either the flavor, or the texture front. Until...
by Clare | Sep 7, 2012 | Farm Blog, Honeybees
One of the byproducts of harvesting honey is beeswax. A couple of weeks ago we took the last of our honey for the season from our hives. Although most of the frames will be reused for another year, a couple of frames were damaged during the extraction, and we also...
by Clare | Sep 5, 2012 | Farm Blog, Farm Recipes
Pita is a Middle Eastern flat bread that is not only easy to make, but also versatile. Truly fresh pita though can be difficult to find, as pita bread is never as good as when it first comes fresh from the oven. Most pita bread sold in local markets, unless it is...