Fearful Fowloween Fowl

Fearful Fowloween Fowl

This seems to be the time of year that our chickens and turkeys fear the most. Each year, at the end of October, a new face suddenly appears in the poultry yard. Usually the turkeys and chickens are only too happy to consume any of the summer and winter squash that we...
Lotus & Minnie: Cover Girls

Lotus & Minnie: Cover Girls

There’s no question, at almost eight months old, that Lotus and Minnie are all grown up. They’re definitely not baby goats any more, and their personalities couldn’t be more distinct.  We just can’t believe how fast they’ve grown. Of the...
Tomato Harvest 2012

Tomato Harvest 2012

Last year, after two cold summers in a row, and our worst tomato harvest ever, we were tempted to throw up our hands, and admit defeat. Out of sheer desperation this spring we decided that rather than give up on growing our favorite heirloom varieties, we’d try...
A Guard Gobbler in the Garden

A Guard Gobbler in the Garden

It’s been a long time since we’ve posted a Fowl Friday post, and I can’t believe it’s been more than a year since I last posted anything about the turkeys!  They’ve become such a fixture on the farm, I suppose we’ve rather taken...
The October Garden

The October Garden

Except for a couple of unseasonably warm days last week, there’s no question fall has arrived. The mornings are crisp and clear, and as the sun tracks lower in the sky, the sunlight has a warmer glow than the harsh overhead sun in mid-summer. Native Garden...