There’s no question, at almost eight months old, that Lotus and Minnie are all grown up. They’re definitely not baby goats any more, and their personalities couldn’t be more distinct. ย We just can’t believe how fast they’ve grown.

“Can you believe we’re almost eight months old?”

Of the two, Minnie is the most sensitive to her surroundings, and isn’t particularly fond of change. ย It also takes her a little longer to get used to new people when they come to the farm for a visit.

“Wait, do I know you!?”

By her very nature she is definitely the more timid of the two.

“I’m just a little shy, that’s all”

Despite being shy, most of the time Minnie likes to think she’s in charge, and keeps a very close, and somewhat suspicious, eye on anyone that’s new in HER barn.

‘The Eye of Minerva’

When it’s just us though, the girls are much more relaxed, and more than happy to ham it up for the camera.

“Do my ears look big from this angle?”

“Not as much as this angle makes MY ears look big!”

Of course, Lotus still has a tendency to get too close to the camera sometimes.

“Still too close?”

“Heehee…I’ll get this camera thing figured out…eventually”

“How about now? Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese”

Recently I was in the barn with the girls, and decided we needed a couple of extra photos for our annual farm calendar. ย Minnie’s coloring makes it challenging to get good pictures of her sometimes, but I think I liked this one the best.

“Oh, a calendar? Will we be famous?”

But this one of Lotus is definitely my favorite overall. ย She looks like quite the glamour goat in this shot.

“I think I should be on the cover, don’t you?”

Of course, we couldn’t just put one of them on the cover, that wouldn’t be fair.

“Wait, I’m the oldest, I should get the cover!”

Sorry Minnie, you’ll have to share with Lotus. ย No arguments, or we’ll put J.J. on the cover instead!

“A TURKEY!?! You can’t put a turkey on the cover!”

I thought that might convince you.

The cover for the 2013 calendar

In addition to the calendar cover, the girls are also slated to appear in the months of March, and October.

“Wait, that’s only two months. Next year we should get all 12 months, don’t you think?”

We’re just waiting on the final proofs, and hopefully “A Year at Curbstone Valley Farm – 2013” will ready for publication by the end of next week, in plenty of time for the holidays. ย We’ll post more soon, along with a full preview, after the proofs arrive!