The Kitchen Garden: A Plethora of Purple

The Kitchen Garden: A Plethora of Purple

In the kitchen garden this morning it was clear that we had a prominent color theme emerging in the harvest baskets. Purple…a plethora of purple! Until now, we hadn’t really paid all that much attention to how many different purple varieties of vegetables...
A Late Summer Honey Harvest

A Late Summer Honey Harvest

Although we primarily keep bees for pollination, we’d be lying if we didn’t admit that at some point we also hoped to harvest at least some honey.  Last year, as the colonies were building up, we left the honey stores with the bees. We’ve had a smackeral or two of...
Zucchini Pickles

Zucchini Pickles

Our perennial problem each summer is what to do with the bumper crop of summer squash we harvest from the garden. Most vegetable gardeners invariably grow too much zucchini, and no doubt many of us end up passing along our excesses to unsuspecting friends, and...