Caulorhiza umbonata

Caulorhiza umbonata

Although there’s not much new growth in the gardens in winter, as our damp mild weather continues, various species of fungi continue to pop up around the property.  This morning I found a small colony of Caulorhiza umbonata, also known as the ‘Redwood...
Christmas Greenery

Christmas Greenery

Our coastal climate eliminates almost any likelihood of snow around Christmas, though there was a dusting of frost at dawn.  However, even with no snow at Christmas, nature still provides us with plenty of festive greenery. A Christmas tree… A Little fir grew in...
Persimmon Cookies

Persimmon Cookies

This particular recipe is very special to us, as it comes directly from Grandma’s recipe box. These moist, chewy, spicy cookies are a wonderful way to use up extra persimmons around the holidays.   To make these cookies you’ll need to use ripe persimmons,...
Farewell to Fall

Farewell to Fall

The first day of Winter is less than a week away, the days are short, and the sun spends much of the day lurking behind trees and ridge tops.  However, here at Curbstone Valley there is still a hint of autumn that remains.  With each storm that passes, the leaves...
Psathyrella piluliformis

Psathyrella piluliformis

While we were installing the deer fence this past weekend, amidst some intermittent rain showers, we discovered a rather prolific colony of fungi surrounding an old decaying stump of a long since felled oak.  At first we just noticed a few clusters of these tiny...