After this weekend’s rain, a rare 2.95 inches for June, I’ve been so busy outside this week that I’m getting a little behind on the blog. Hopefully our second annual view of spring through the office window will help make up for that though.
After all, what’s not to like about twin fawns bedecked with spots in spring? It is easy to forget just how much damage was done in the orchard last year when the deer fence was repeatedly breached.

We really are so fortunate to live here, and even though we often grumble as we watch the resident black-tailed deer testing the edges of the deer fence throughout the year, we’d have to be rather hard-hearted if we didn’t admit that these spirited little ones are absolutely adorable.
Besides, they’re too young to get into too much trouble yet.
Last year this same doe had twins that we posted about in our Seeing Spots post. They’re all grown up now, a yearling doe and buck, and are actually still traveling with this doe this spring.
We’ve seen the twins around now for the last couple of weeks, but this is the first time they’ve dropped in to pay the chickens and turkeys a visit this year, and I actually had the camera handy.
Between the doe, the twin yearlings, and now this year’s crop of twins, we had a small herd of FIVE deer chomping through the weeds near the chicken coop.

Just another fabulous spring day at Curbstone Valley.
It just wouldn’t spring without spotty fawns, and I expect we’ll see more before the season is over. We’ll just hope the orchard fence stays secure.
I wonder if this doe will have twins again next year?
I can’t help but send a hug in their adorable, fuzzy direction! Sure they’ve got an appetite that only a non-gardener could love, but they are so darn cute!
I wish I hadn’t killed the video camera in the rain. One of them was such a spaz, and the photos just don’t do it justice. They really are adorable though, and make it IMPOSSIBLE to get any work done while they’re out there running around 😉
Adorable, Clare, and so far innocent of any transgression. Your photos even show how frisky they are! I guess as long as they’re munching weeds it’s OK, but if Momma tells them where that orchard is…oops! Maybe you need a directional sign that says, “Deer….to the Neighbors…”
I could try that, but they’d be back, my neighbor’s property is fully fenced 😉
They definitely look great…in your ‘back yard’!
After having picked off at least seven deer ticks from me this year, it is safe to say we wish we never saw another one here.
The Western Black-Legged ticks are really bad here in spring, especially right after the rains end and the weather starts to turn warm. That’s part of why we got chickens. Maybe you need chickens too to help keep your tick populations in check? 😛
Great shots! I know how it is…we love wildlife as well, but sometimes it is very difficult when they raid the garden. We’ll just keep trying to keep them at bay and watch them from afar.
I agree, I didn’t think they were so cute when we almost lost our peach tree last year!
They are so cute! I love that the first set of twins is still with the mother and the newest set of twins. I hope they don’t figure out the deer fence 🙂
I guess “cute fawns” is one of those redundant phrases like “cute calves” or “cute chicks.” I haven’t seen any spotted fawns on my property yet this year, but I always enjoy them when I do.
Your calling it spring still? 96 degrees today and tomorrow, not spring here anymore. Meg’s sister has twin fawns in her tiny Chapel Hill backyard, it is fenced the fawns will have to learn to jump out to move on.
Randy, with 3 inches of rain last weekend (the most in June in more than 100 years here), and barely making it to 60F, it felt more like winter a few days ago! I’m relieved it now feels like spring, but I’m wondering if this summer will end up being as cold as last year for us. I hope not, I want a good tomato harvest this year! 😉
OMG that’s just too cute!! We will really have to visit one day to see the farm and all of the wildlife out there with our own eyes!
They really are fun to watch!
How ‘dear’ and why I so enjoy visiting, Clare 🙂
Clare, Lyme disease is so all pervasive here and so dangerous that it’s hard for me to look at deer with kind thoughts. As the other commenter said, they’re cute in your yard. They are having twins because they are so well fed. On our island in Maine they have triplets!!! Carolyn
Carolyn, we have hoards of ticks here, and Lyme disease, unfortunately is on the rise here. I know two people locally who are battling with it. We have to be vigilant here, and I pulled one tick off myself this morning that must have found me out in the garden. I’ve sent more than one tick in for testing too. So I agree, between orchard destruction, and disease carrying ticks, it can be difficult sometimes not to see deer as villains, but these two were quite fun to observe yesterday.
Living in PEI there are no deer which has been an absolute blessing. But looking at these photos reminded me of so many past years in BC watching the fawns run and play each spring. I don’t miss the damage they cause but I agree they are awfully sweet to watch.
Working at the tree farm, I see new fawns all the time because they raise deer, but I never saw twins before. You are so right, when they grow up they will be public enemy number one. Cute, but boy are they a pain.
we usually get twins here yearly…not seen any Bambis yet although we usually don’t until July..they keep them well hidden..on my way home I spied one near an exit of the NYS Thruway with no momma and outside the fence…once they grow they jump my fence and destroy things…
Ah, yes, very cute. Hope the fence holds…
Love your spots in the garden! What fun to watch them.
Oh, how adorable! I know they can eat you out of house and home, but all babies are so sweet and full of life. They can’t help but make you smile!
We had a pair of fawns wander through a few years ago but we haven’t seen any fawns at all this year on our property. Your photos are lovely to be sure! Actually haven’t seen much of the deer at all this year – only hoof prints and munched madia! – and clarkia now too! (BTW on your GWN forum Encelia question – I haven’t seen damage on ours.)
I’m reading this while a venison stew cooks in our crock pot…
They’re so cute! I’ve never had a deer problem in my garden because I live in our city’s downtown area. This year I have noticed a lot of bunnies darting around the garden every time I walk out to move sprinklers or weed. I haven’t found the evidence of them munching our plants (though I’m sure it must be happening).
Good luck with your orchard!
If only they would just eat the weeds! Hopefully your deer fence will do the job. Today I saw a bunny. He was so cute, I almost forgot the pansy feast he (or a relative) had in my garden.
They are so cute – but oh so destructive! We just have to learn to adapt – fencing etc, so that there is space for all of us. I love to watch the squirrels and birds in my garden (we don’t get deer) even though they steal my fruit and veg.