It’s our second ‘Fowl Friday’ since the chicks arrived at the farm, and they are only two weeks old, but there’s no question that they’re growing…fast! All of the chicks have done very well since their arrival, and are tremendously healthy.
We’re now starting to see a lot less fluff and more feathers, especially on the wings and tails. Perhaps it’s just more noticable on the lighter colored chicks, but this Delaware seems to have a lot of feathers that have grown in already. Note the length of her tail feathers!

The feathers on this Delaware have grown a lot in a week, and a slight hint of barring in the feathers is starting to show
Her comb is also becoming more prominent.
There is noticable variability in growth between the breeds. Of the six breeds we have, the mystery Cochin seems to be the slowest to feather in so far.
…well, except for the feet.
Don’t these look like Hobbit feet? If our mystery bird turns out to be a rooster, we may have to call him Frodo!
The Partridge Plymouth Rocks are starting to show some lovely pattern in the wing feathers.
All the chicks thus far though still have a substantial amount of fluff on their heads and necks.
As would be expected the chicks have been sleeping less this week, and eating a lot more!
No doubt by next week there’ll be even more significant changes in their appearance…don’t forget to check back next Friday!
I’m beginning to love foul friday. Especially since it has nothing to do with sports.
They are still so cute! I am enjoying watching them grow. Your little mystery chick is quite beautiful. Please tell me you plan to never eat one of these creatures!
.-= debsgarden´s last blog ..BBG Japanese Garden, a Stroll in Heaven =-.
No worries, we don’t eat them…our ladies are spoiled. Besides, even when they slow down egg laying, they’re still of lots of help around the farm, weeding and bug catching. We’re even building a second coop to make room for the new girls 🙂
Aw, CV, they are still too cute! Those tiny tail feathers are adorable, and I’m kinda hoping the mystery chick is a rooster just so I can say I know a rooster named Frodo. Too funny. 😉
.-= Meredith´s last blog ..the volunteers =-.
Oh my goodness, those are adorable creatures! So soft and fluffy! My grandpa raised chickens when I was a girl, but I’m so far removed from that world now, I had completely forgotten how beautiful the chicks are. I think Frodo is a great name, by the way!
Hi Clare – I’m with Meredith on the ‘maybe rooster’ – Frodo is a brilliant name for your little hobbit! Your delaware chick looks so proud of her new feathers!
.-= Heidi´s last blog ..Pretty Parasite =-.
They have grown quite a bit, still so cute! They are so soft looking. It’s amazing at how fast their feathers have come in.
.-= Catherine´s last blog ..Frost free Fertilizer Friday. =-.
Dear CV, This continues to be compulsive reading and viewing! They are looking, as you say, remarkably healthy and clearly growing very rapidly indeed. But, oh so very pretty, especially the Delaware.
Have a lovely weekend in which, I so hope, you will not be troubled with deer.
.-= Edith Hope´s last blog ..Partying the Spring Away =-.
It’s blogs like these that make me want MORE chickens!
.-= Dog Island Farm´s last blog ..Saturday’s Farm Diary – Bees =-.
I love your new chicks! Such beautiful breeds. I’m still struck at how quickly they grow – we notice changes in our girls every single day.
How very cute. I am currently researching into whether to get some chickens.My husband is taking some convincing so I might just show him this post!
What a sassy group of ladies! I’m dying to see them all grown up!
.-= Christine´s last blog ..Random Acts of Art =-.
OOOOHHHHHH! They’re soooo cute! I love chickens…any bird really. And the babies are the sweetest, aren’t they? What a treat for you to watch them grow.
.-= kimberly´s last blog ..What’s Next Madonna? =-.
I am so thrilled that I stumbled upon this blog! I’ve been reading up on chickens and I even took a “city chicks” class a few weeks ago. I’m dreaming of starting a flock next spring. This will be a great learning tool. Thanks so much for the great photos and video!
.-= Concrete Jungle´s last blog ..St. Johns Community Garden Flyer =-.
They look beautiful and it must be really interesting to watch how their feathers develop. Looking forward to the progress reports!
.-= easygardener´s last blog ..My April Flower: Fritillaria meleagris =-.
Aw, how adorable, CV. The photos are amazing … the portraits, not easy to capture, which you did beautifully, including catch light.
.-= joey´s last blog ..‘SOFTLY THE EVENING CAME …’ =-.
They are gorgeous
.-= melanie´s last blog ..Garden Pests and What To Do About Them. =-.
I think that foot looks more like a Gollum than a Frodo! The chicks are just adorable.
.-= Barbara´s last blog ..Pruning the espalier fruit trees =-.
I am so enamored with chickens now. I look forward to visiting my sister’s at Double S Farms. But, now I have yours to visit as well. I really love how you have so many different breeds. I can’t wait for the next installment 🙂
.-= Noelle/azplantlady´s last blog ..Enjoying the Sun…..No Sunscreen Required =-.