by Clare | Dec 4, 2014 | Farm Blog, Flora and Fauna, Native Wildlife
I’ve written a number of posts over the years of about our frustrations with trying to grow fruit trees, and vegetables, under tremendous deer pressure. I never expected to write a post about a paucity of deer on the farm. Usually we’re posting about deer that have...
by Clare | Sep 26, 2014 | Farm Blog, Farm Recipes
I admit I’m a little disappointed that the days are getting noticeably shorter. I spend more time doing farm chores in the dark now, than in daylight. However, it’s all worth it once the classic aromas of fall begin to permeate every corner of the kitchen. The...
by Clare | Sep 2, 2014 | Farm Blog, Goats
An essential part of any nutrition plan for goats is access to free-choice supplemental minerals, to aid in the prevention of various nutrient deficiencies. It is especially important to source mineral mixes that are formulated specifically for goats, as they have...
by Clare | Jul 10, 2014 | Farm Blog, Flora and Fauna, Native Wildlife
This morning was perhaps as near to perfect ‘salamander weather’ as one could hope to find mid-summer here along the coast. The coastal marine layer was so thick early this morning, there was actually some measurable precipitation. Not really enough to call it rain,...
by Clare | Apr 4, 2014 | Farm Blog, Goats
A few weeks ago while Lotus, Lia, and Minnie were all on imminent kidding watch, we brought a new junior herd sire to the farm. I admit that I have been epically remiss in introducing everyone to this new fine fellow, but between spring schedules, and wrapping up...
by Clare | Mar 24, 2014 | Farm Blog, Goats
Last night Curbstone Valley Mariposa Lily presented us with triplets! Two doelings, and a buckling, bringing us to a total of 6 does, and 6 bucks, for the season. A 50:50 buck to doe ratio? I’m happy with that! Lily was bred to Castle Rock Abraham Darby back in...