Psathyrella piluliformis

Psathyrella piluliformis

While we were installing the deer fence this past weekend, amidst some intermittent rain showers, we discovered a rather prolific colony of fungi surrounding an old decaying stump of a long since felled oak.  At first we just noticed a few clusters of these tiny...
Western Sword Fern

Western Sword Fern

There is no better start to the day than the sense of calm and serenity one feels when walking through mature redwood groves, with large colonies of Western Sword Ferns (Polystichum munitum) growing at their feet, backlit by the early morning sun. The Western Sword...
Coast Range Newt

Coast Range Newt

Yesterday’s rain brought out another salamander species here at Curbstone Valley, the Coast Range Newt (Taricha torosa torosa), also known as the California Newt.  Each year, as the rains return, these newts can be seen scrabbling about the forest, and...
Broom Bashing

Broom Bashing

French broom (Genista monspessulana), a Mediterranean native similar in appearance to Scotch broom, is right at the top of my list of most loathed plants.  French broom was first introduced to California in 1871, escaped cultivation, and was so successful at...
Banana Slugs

Banana Slugs

It’s fall, and we’ve noticed the banana slugs are more active around the property again, no doubt due to the cool damp weather.  Slugs are not usually favored in most gardens but, with a little research, we’ve come to realize these are actually...