Eschscholzia californica

Eschscholzia californica

The California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica) was selected as the State flower by the California State Floral Society, in December 1890.  Other native flowers under consideration at the time were the Mariposa Lily (Calochortus), and Matilija Poppy (Romneya).  The...
Misumena vatia

Misumena vatia

I went out yesterday to photograph some California Hedge Nettle (Stachys bullata) on the slope above the gardens.  The purple flower spikes are looking lovely massed together.  I stopped alongside one plant for a closer look at the flowers, and made a rather...
Clintonia andrewsiana

Clintonia andrewsiana

Living here the last few years, I’ve come to realize just how lacking my knowledge is of California native plant species.  I’m trying hard to educate myself as much as I can, but every once in a while, just as with the Calochortus we found here, I...
Calochortus albus

Calochortus albus

Our recent April showers have brought us some beautiful May flowers!  We’ve been watching a plant growing on our hillsides since late winter, wondering what it would prove to be.   It’s taken a very long time to reveal its true identity, but we now know...
Stream Violet

Stream Violet

I had a completely different post planned for today.  Then this morning, between rain showers, I went on a walk along one of the creeks on the property, and found a colony of these dainty little wild violets growing in the shade.   Viola glabella, also known as...
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus

Ceanothus thyrsiflorus

Our native Ceanothus on the property is currently exhibiting a profusion of bloom.  A large specimen tree near the house is all a-buzz with bees.  If you stand beneath these trees, there’s a low background audible hum that emanates from above, along with a...