by Clare | Nov 15, 2010 | Farm Blog, Flora and Fauna, Native Plants
At one of the California native plant sales we attended this fall we picked up a lovely ornamental brassica, Erysimum franciscanum var. crassifolium, commonly known as the Coarse-leaved Franciscan Wallflower. This plant, along with our other native plant purchases...
by Clare | Nov 12, 2010 | Chickens, Farm Blog
Earlier this week one of our Golden Laced Wyandotte pullets laid this… Poor Pullet. At first glance it resembled a goose egg more than a pullet egg! It’s officially a record for this year’s pullets, weighing in at a hefty 86 grams! Anything over 71...
by Clare | Nov 8, 2010 | Farm Blog, Flora and Fauna, Invasives
Plants in the genus Cotoneaster (prounced co-to-ne-as-ter, not cot-on-easter) are very popular with north American gardeners, and not without good reason. Cotoneasters are variable in form, from prostrate low-growing ground-covers, to tall arching shrubs, and may be...
by Clare | Nov 5, 2010 | Farm Blog, Farm Recipes
Occasionally on a Fowl Friday, we thought we’d share an egg-based recipe. For versatile egg-based dishes, my personal favorite is quiche, but the pastry in a quiche can be time consuming to make during a busy work week, and can contribute a lot of extra fat and...
by Clare | Nov 1, 2010 | Beneficial Insects, Farm Blog, Native Wildlife
Syrphid flies, also known as hover flies, or flower flies, are often overlooked, but these small beneficial insects are worth attracting to any garden. An important component of organic gardening is being aware of predator and prey relationships among the leaves and...