by Clare | May 9, 2011 | Farm Blog, Honeybees
When we first decided to venture into beekeeping, one of the considerations was where would we source our bees? The two most common, and economical choices, are either to catch a swarm, or to purchase bees in a ‘package’ from a commercial apiary. Not sure...
by Clare | May 6, 2011 | Farm Blog, Flora and Fauna, Native Plants
For most of last spring our orchard was primarily overrun with invasive grasses and thistles. Removing them early in the season might decrease the number of them that reappear each year, but rather than stare at bare dirt, our goal was to replace the weeds with...
by Clare | May 2, 2011 | Farm Blog, Honeybees
Last week we inspected both the Saliva Hive (primary swarm), and our smaller nuc hive (afterswarm), and noted that the difference in progress between the two hives was due to the presence of a mated Queen in the primary swarm, and a virgin Queen in the afterswarm...
by Clare | Apr 29, 2011 | Farm Blog, Orchard
In January, before the weather was good enough to do much in the garden, we started out the season by attending our first fruit tree scion exchange. A few weeks later we then attended a grafting workshop hosted by the California Rare Fruit Growers (CRFG). Then in...
by Clare | Apr 25, 2011 | Farm Blog, Honeybees
Despite a run of cool and cloudy weather, and a few sprinkles on Saturday, we did manage to inspect both hives Sunday afternoon, and the difference in progress between the hives is notable. The Primary Swarm Inspection The first colony of bees we hived at the end of...