May Garden Update: Part I

May Garden Update: Part I

It’s been all about the bees lately, and soon it will be all about our new greenhouse that recently arrived, in a zillion boxes, that needs to be unpacked, assembled, and installed.  Before we get too distracted with greenhouse construction over the next few...
For Every Bird a Nest

For Every Bird a Nest

Last week I was out in the orchard, pulling weeds, and startled someone in our ‘Flavor Delight’ Aprium tree.  Not thinking much of it, I went back to weeding.  Throughout the afternoon though I noticed a rather drab bird darting in and out of the branches. Finches…...
An Update on Jenny’s Eggs

An Update on Jenny’s Eggs

Well, it’s Friday the 13th, and it’s Fowl Friday.  You can already tell where this is going, can’t you?  As much as we love to share our successes, life on the farm doesn’t always go quite the way we intend. It’s been a difficult spring...