Lotus & Minnie: Just Kidding Around

Lotus & Minnie: Just Kidding Around

It’s now been just over two weeks since we brought the goats to the farm.  Lotus and Minnie have settled into their new home, and we’ve all quickly adjusted to our new routines. So far it’s mostly gone smoothly, with the exception of 24 hours where...
The Bright…and Dark Side of Daffodils

The Bright…and Dark Side of Daffodils

Daffodils are some of the most eagerly anticipated early heralds of spring here on the farm. When our orchard slope was first cleared, the entire area looked depressingly bare. Even with the newly planted fruit trees in place, there was a definite lack of presence in...
New Additions: Gratuitous Goatie Goodness

New Additions: Gratuitous Goatie Goodness

After a month of building the new goat shed, in anticipation of the arrival of our spring doelings, we can now finally introduce you to our two newest, and cutest, residents of Curbstone Valley Farm! Drumroll please! Meet our two tiny Nigerian Dwarf dairy...