This frightful Fowl-oween the hens have been helping to investigate some rather suspicious activity on the farm.

“Uh oh…it’s Fowl-oween!”

Last night, just as the sun set, and I was about to make dinner, the power suddenly went out to the entire farm.

At the time, the hens were safely tucked away in their coop for the night, but something very sinister was transpiring in the dark.

“ArrRRRrrgh…that hurt!” I wondered what happened to that knife…

In the dark of night, it seems thisΒ curcubit was CARVED to pieces!

Was this merely a carving accident?Β  Or perhaps an intentional, brutal, and targeted attack?Β  A random incident, or foreboding of more fiendish things to come?

When questioned at length…the hens professed they saw nothing.

“Honestly, we saw nothing! How could we?”

I’d forgotten, with their peepers on, they probably didn’t see a thing.

In an effort to find out who could commit such a fowl crime, the girls were tasked with searching for clues…

“Oh dear…are those brains?”

…to help determine how this poor curcubit with the carved cranium could have met its demise.

…they searched high and low…

All of the hens eagerly volunteered to carefully sift through the evidence.

“No…nothing of significance here…nom…nom…nom”

Although clearly the girls weren’t following normal CSI procedures, as most of the morning they worked on collecting consuming the majority of the evidence.


This left even fewer clues as to the perpetrator of this heinous crime.

Alas, as with gardening, it was very difficult keeping the hens focused on the task at hand.

Then I overheard one hen suggest this pumpkin clearly must have owed the Farm wife some money.

“Pssst…I think I know who did it…she’s over there”

She said she’d heard ‘rumors’ about the Farm wife before, and didn’t trust her, not one bit. Β Rumors!?

“Don’t tell, but I have my suspicions”

…but this hen, after much consideration, was convinced the turkeys must know something about the events surrounding this case.

“Have you asked the turkeys if they saw something?”

On cross examination though, Jake denied that any of the turkeys had any knowledge or involvement, although they’d be willing to cooperate with the investigation.

“Did you see anything?”

I wondered though, were they really innocent?

OrΒ couldΒ this be evidence of a cover up?!

Found in the turkey pen, this Boston Marrow is a mere shell of its former self

No wonder this poor pumpkin looks scared.

“George? Is that you? Speak to me George”

Insisting on their innocence, Jake offered to search for clues…

“Nope…nothing here”

…but then Jenny piped up, and said it MUST have been those darned crows, they’re always up to no good.

“Look, there they are, it must have been the CROWS!”

Personally, I’m not sure about knife-wielding crows though.


Unfortunately, it seems the case of the carved curcubit may never be solved, unless you can see some evidence they missed?

Happy Fowl-oween!

Have a safe Fowloween!

Trick or Cheep!