Lotus & Minnie: On the Road Again

Lotus & Minnie: On the Road Again

It’s dairy goat show season! No sooner were the cucumbers planted, than our trowels were traded for clippers, and we found ourselves driving around Northern California to the first two goat shows of the season. The only thing I think we were missing on the farm...
While the Farmer’s Away…

While the Farmer’s Away…

I once posted about the plight of the Pacific Madrone trees on the property. Many of the trees in our woodland areas are weak and diseased as a direct result of decades of poor land and forest management. This last weekend, while attending our first dairy goat show of...
The Rusty Milk Maid & A Reluctant First Freshener

The Rusty Milk Maid & A Reluctant First Freshener

When we were first seriously looking into adding goats to the farm, we did a lot of homework, a lot of reading, and we talked to various people more experienced than ourselves. Time and time again the same opinions kept cropping up. If looking for goats for milking...