Ginger, Snapped!

Ginger, Snapped!

Last week, and I quote myself, I said “…but Ginger wasn’t the problem…”.  I hate eating my words.  I should have trusted my initial instincts. During our last Fowl Friday post a couple of our readers suggested that Frodo would make a good...
Got Gophers?

Got Gophers?

***some images and video not for the faint-hearted*** We have pocket gophers.  Lots of them.   We try very hard not to interfere with native plant and animal species on the property.  However, in the garden and orchard areas we occasionally find we need to address our...
Frodo Meets the Hens

Frodo Meets the Hens

After Frodo’s difficult week last week, things are starting to look up for our young rooster.  Last weekend, after a rather traumatizing experience with Siegfried in the coop, we started to introduce Frodo to our older orchard hens.  Our concern initially was...
Symphyotrichum chilense

Symphyotrichum chilense

Species in the Asteraceae (sunflower) family, including asters, cudweeds, and thistles, seem to be dominating our orchard this summer.   Symphyotrichum chilense (formerly Aster chilensis), is also known as common California or Pacific Aster, and is native to the...
Fractious Fowl Friday

Fractious Fowl Friday

Fluffy chicks may be cute, but the realities of farm life are that chickens can sometimes be brutally unkind to each other.  Let’s rewind a little, briefly. Frodo, our young Dark Brahma male, was our bonus ‘mystery chick’ from the hatchery, that...