June Garden Update

June Garden Update

Admittedly, the garden area has been somewhat neglected of late, with our attention being diverted toward other projects.  Today though, I actually took a little time to stop and look at the garden a little more closely to see how things are doing. The plants we’re...
Snoods, Caruncles and Wattles…Oh My!

Snoods, Caruncles and Wattles…Oh My!

After yesterday’s disappointing post, as promised, we have a turkey update!  Our turkeys are now 11 weeks old, and have lost almost all of their adorable ‘baby turkey’ features.  They’re now more in the realm of gangly teenagers. It’s...
Flycatcher Nest is Robbed…

Flycatcher Nest is Robbed…

Last night before turning off the lights, I peeked through the front door glass, and saw the female Flycatcher all settled in for the night on her nest.  Everything seemed just as it should be.   This morning though, although the male was sighted on his usual...
Pear Sawfly

Pear Sawfly

This weekend the weather couldn’t have been more perfect.  Now that all the poultry projects are complete we turned our attention back toward the orchard.  We still have a lot of work to do.  The most important task is wrapping up our never-ending irrigation...