First Day Out

First Day Out

The chicks are now five weeks old, and weather permitting, we expect they’ll be moving outside into the coop soon. Our fine feathered friends finally forayed into the fresh spring air this past weekend!  The weather was beautiful on Sunday afternoon, and warm...
Raised Garden Boxes

Raised Garden Boxes

The weather this weekend was beautiful, with temperatures in the low 80’s here.  Perfect weather for working in the gardens.  Our vegetable garden sits atop a plateau, and is positioned above our orchard, which is planted on the slope below. A lot of our soil is...
Changing Chicks

Changing Chicks

It’s Fowl Friday again, and we’ve reached the four-week mark! The chicks continue to feather in, and seem to be growing by the hour.  We’re seeing more posturing displays between the chicks, as they start to establish their ‘pecking...
Stream Violet

Stream Violet

I had a completely different post planned for today.  Then this morning, between rain showers, I went on a walk along one of the creeks on the property, and found a colony of these dainty little wild violets growing in the shade.   Viola glabella, also known as...
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus

Ceanothus thyrsiflorus

Our native Ceanothus on the property is currently exhibiting a profusion of bloom.  A large specimen tree near the house is all a-buzz with bees.  If you stand beneath these trees, there’s a low background audible hum that emanates from above, along with a...