Sinai Thunder O Dauntless *B *S

Born: February 7, 2018 Height: 22.75″
Sire: SG/Elite Cedar View Olivero ++*B ++*S 90Ex, VEV88
9x ADGA Elite Buck 96%PE (2018-2023)
SS: Cedar View Josephus +*B
SD: SGCH Cedar View Isabella 4*M 4*D EEEE 91 *ELITE*
Dam: SG Helmstead Minis GB Virtue 3*M 3*DAR EEEE92
DS: SG Rosasharn MR General +*B +*S, +DAR VVE 89
DD: SG Sinai Thunder AG Patience 2*M 2*DAR VEEV89
DNA: SQ | α S1-Casein: B/B
When our dear friend, Jill at Sinai Thunder, offered us the opportunity to bring Dauntless to Curbstone Valley, it was very difficult to say no, but where does one start when introducing this beautiful buck?
His sire, Olivero, needs little introduction, and is well known to anyone that studies the breed leader and Elite lists. Olivero has produced numerous Elite and Superior Genetics daughters. However, as Dauntless’ sire had been used so much, he didn’t have as much opportunity to work within the Sinai Thunder Herd.
Dauntless’ dam, Virtue, was the daughter of a breed leader, and a top ten doe herself. Scoring EEEE 92, with E in rump, front, and rear legs, with a lovely well attached, and productive, mammary system.
I had the honor of meeting Dauntless’ littermate sister in person, Sinai Thunder O Passion 4*M 4*DAR VEEE90, 91.3Ex, a truly beautiful and well-balanced doe throughout, and produced 1360 lbs of milk in her 3rd lactation.
While we don’t typically bring in mature bucks to the farm, the advantage of Dauntless being five years old already, is he already has some freshened daughters on the ground.
I met his 3 year-old daughter, Sinai Thunder D That’s Amore 3*M 3*DAR (pending) VEEV89, who has a beautiful, capacious udder, with strong attachments all around.
Dauntless himself is a handsome buck, in his prime, and has a wonderfully mellow and sweet disposition. He was appraised (EEE 91) and classified (90.6 EX) shortly before coming to the farm, scoring E’s across all of the structural categories on appraisal, except for a V in feet. We are very excited to see what Dauntless will contribute to the Curbstone Valley herd.
Coming Soon…
Year | Age | Height (Inches) | General Appearance | Dairy Strength | Body Capacity | FS |
2023 | 5.06 | 22.75 | E | E | E | 91 |