Castle Rock Penny Serenade 2*M 4*D AR 3172

Born: April 13, 2016
Sire: Caprine Acres HS Cooper
SS: Caprine Acres SG Hott Shott EEE 91
SD: CH Kaapio Acres AD Carina EEEE 92
Dam: SGCH CRF Castle Rock Penny Wise 1*M 3*D VVEE 90
DS: CRF Castle Rock Guy Noir +*B +S
DD: Castle Rock Money Penny 2*D
DNA: I | α S1-Casein: A/A
An exciting addition to the herd this year. Penny is named for the 1941 Cary Grant and Irene Dunne film, Penny Serenade. We’ve been anticipating her arrival for years…FIVE years to be exact, as we first placed a reservation for a doeling out of her dam, Penny Wise, in 2011.
Penny’s dam is a superior genetics (SG) doe, and placed in ADGA’s top ten on 305 day test for milk, butterfat, and protein, in 2011.
Her sire’s sire, Hott Shott, earned EEE 91 on Linear Appraisal as a three year-old. CH Kaapio Acres AD Carina, Penny’s sire’s dam, earned a permanent Linear Appraisal score of EEEE 92 in 2014, achieving excellent scores in shoulder assembly, and rear legs.
Although we had to wait for Penny, this young doe holds a lot of promise, both in regards to production, and conformation. We’ll be watching Penny closely over the coming year as she matures, and we’re thrilled that she has finally found her way to Curbstone Valley!