Curbstone Valley SO Bonny Dewn 7*M 2*D AR 3652

Born: May 17, 2020
Sire: Curbstone Valley Space Oddity *B *S VEV 89
SS: GCH Curbstone Valley Desert Indigo +*B +*S
SD: GCH Alethia DJ Written N The Stars 5*M *D AR 3054 VEEE 91
Dam: SGCH Alethia MH Dew Ya Love Me 6*M *D AR 3670 EEEE 92
DS: SG Algedi Farm MB Manuka Honey ++*B
DD: SGCH Algedi Farm DJ Honey Dew 5*M EEEE 91
DNA: PQ | α S1-Casein: A/A
COI: 6.92%
We were so thrilled when Bonnie’s dam, was confirmed pregnant in the winter of 2019 with triplets, and we wondered if we would be fortunate enough for Meme to have another daughter.
Until 2019, Alethia WhatsLuvGotToDewWithIt was Meme’s only daughter ever born. Of course, both of Bonnie’s brothers were born first, and just as we were losing hope of Meme having a girl, out popped Bonnie, a beautiful sold gold doe.
For the first time ever, Bonnie’s dam, as an eight year-old, was enrolled in DHIR standard 305 milk test for 2020, and easily earned her milk stars with both ADGA and AGS that year.
Bonny freshened for the first time in 2022 with a single doeling, and a lovely well-attached udder. She is still maturing, and her capacity was limited the first season, but she is bred for 2023, and we are looking forward to seeing her second freshening udder.
Bonnie’s dam, Meme, is a beautiful and capacious doe, and Honey Dew daughter. We are so blessed to have all of her daughters here at Curbstone Valley.
Age | Date | Sire | #Does | #Bucks |
2.00 | 5/16/2022 | Curbstone Valley TBB Bee Skep *B | 1 | 0 |
First Lactation Not Yet Complete
Year | Age | Height (Inches) | General Appearance | Dairy Strength | Body Capacity | Mammary | FS |
2022 | 2.05 | + | + | V | V | 85 |