Curbstone Valley H Kleio

Born: March 25, 2020
Sire: Sinai Thunder EX Hanukkah *B *S
SS: Sinai Thunder O Exodus *B *S
SD: SGCH Wood Bridge Farm Peridot 3*M *D AR EEEE 91
Dam: Curbstone Valley Ianeira 7*M 2*D AR 3171
DS: CH Curbstone Valley Desert Indigo *B *S
DD: GCH Algedi Farm RB Ocean Flower 6*M *D AR 2777 EEEE 92
Kleio begged us to retain her when she was just a few days old. Each time we’d walk in the kidding pen, she would come up and tap us on the leg with her foot, and look up pleadingly. Then I caught her, more than once, standing perfectly all by herself. Just like she was standing in a show line-up (which of course she didn’t want to do for her photo here, but it was her first time on a leash). Front legs straight below those withers, strong rear leg angulation, level topline, and rump…WAIT! That RUMP!
Her dam’s line has always had the widest rumps in the herd, but like most Nigerians, could always use more levelness between those thurls. Well, her sire has accomplished that. Neira’s kids this year have some of the most level rumps thurl-to-thurl, of any kids we’ve seen, and Kleio’s rump is beautifully wide.
My mentor, many years ago, stressed that if you don’t know where to start with a goat, start with the rump. Wide rumps are critical for the function of a doe over her lifetime. A good rump will support a productive udder, providing more area for attachment, and of course, breeding can only ever be really successful if kids can be born with ease, without detriment to the doe.
Neira has always been a personal favorite. Hands down the easiest kidder in the herd. For the last two years she has stood up, eating hay, barely pushed, and popped out quads, and then quints the following year, in rapid succession. We’ve learned to be ready to catch!
While Neira has had some structural areas to improve she has great width throughout, and her udder has been capacious, with well placed plumb teats, a strong medial, and area of attachment. She has one of the strongest positive PTAM values of any of Ocean’s daughters.
We are looking for Kleio to retain that strength in udder, as her sire’s dam has a beautifully attached and productive mammary system. Han has already improved her rear leg angulation, and shoulder assembly.
Kleio is a little sassy, and exudes confidence, perhaps because she knows that, like her dam, she is quickly becoming a new favorite on the farm.
Not Yet Freshened
Not Yet Freshened
Not Yet Appraised