Curbstone Valley Musette 8*M 3*D AR

Born: April 9, 2018
Sire: CH Alethia HB Destiny’s Starman *B EVE 90
SS: Algedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay ++*B
SD: GCH Alethia DJ Written N The Stars 5*M *D AR 3054 VEEE 91
Dam: GCH Curbstone Valley Calypso 7*M 2*D AR 3089 VVEE 90
DS: GCH Castle Rock Abraham Darby +*B +*S AR HS
DD: GCH Algedi Farm RB Ocean Flower 6*M *D AR 2777 EEEE 92
DNA: PQ | α S1-Casein: A/A
Occasionally we will retain littermate sisters. Not often, but sometimes we see differences in general appearance that intrigue us, and will hold on to a littermate sister at least through a first freshening. Admittedly, Musette is doing herself no favors in this photograph, as she insisted on leaning back and sitting into the leash, as she was a little spooked by the bucks just uphill. Regardless, she’s a balanced, wide, long, angular, and elegant doe, very similar to her dam’s general appearance at this age.
Musette is full littermate sister to Jazztronica. Jazzie and Musette differed in their general appearance from the start. Jazzie appears to have more of the traits of her sire’s dam, Destiny, while Musette echoed her dam, Calypso, in overall structure at a young age.
Musette’s dam, Calypso, is a finished permanent champion, E 90 doe, with a beautiful, correct, and well attached udder. There is honestly little we would choose to change. However, with Destiny’s Starman as Musette’s sire, with the incredible strength in mammary systems in his pedigree, Has us a little excited. They are lightly line-bred on Jupiter and Tupelo, and both of their granddams have proven their strengths in our herd.
Musette’s first freshening produced a single buckling, but while she is lacking in volume and capacity this year, the strength in medial and udder attachments all around, is incredibly reminiscent of her granddam, Ocean. Both Musette, and Jazzie, have beautiful udders for first fresheners, and we look forward to seeing another freshening on this doe.
Age | Date | Sire | #Does | #Bucks |
1.11 | 3/16/2020 | Alethia DOH The Big Bang *B | 0 | 1 |
AGE | Lac | Test | DIM | MILK | FAT% | PROT% | SCC | MUN |
1.11 | 1 | 1 | 42 | 2.5 | 5.4 | 4.1 | 43 | 23.4 |
1.11 | 1 | 2 | 77 | 2.4 | 4.9 | 3.7 | 52 | 24.7 |
1.11 | 1 | 3 | 120 | 2.0 | Pending | Pending | Pending | Pending |
Year | Age | Height (Inches) | General Appearance | Dairy Strength | Body Capacity | Mammary | FS |
2017 | 5.04 | 20.5 | V | E | E | E | 91 |
2016 | 4.03 | 19.6 | V | E | V | E | 89 |
2015 | 3.02 | 19.8 | V | V | V | E | 89 |
2014 | 2.00 | 19.6 | V | V | V | + | 86 |