Curbstone Valley SO Luv Me Dew *B *S

Curbstone Valley SO Luv Me Dew *B

Born: May 17, 2020

Sire: Curbstone Valley Space Oddity *B *S
SS: GCH Curbstone Valley Desert Indigo +*B +*S
SD: GCH Alethia DJ Written N The Stars 5*M *D AR 3054 VEEE 91

Dam: SGCH Alethia MH Dew Ya Love Me 6*M *D AR 3670  EEEE 92
DS: SG Algedi Farm MB Manuka Honey ++*B
DD: SGCH Algedi Farm DJ Honey Dew 5*M EEEE 91


DNA: PQ   |   α S1-Casein: A/A

COI: 6.92%



We were so thrilled when Meme was confirmed pregnant in the winter of 2019 with triplets. As much as we hoped for another Meme daughter, we also were excited at the prospect of retaining a buck from this cross. As luck would have it, Meme had a doe, and two bucks, and we retained Luv Me Dew (aka ‘Ringo’) to the herd. His brother, Luv Whatu Dew (‘Dewd’) resides in the Sinai Thunder herd, and his sister, Bonny Dewn, remains here on the farm.

For the first time ever, Ringo’s dam, as an eight year-old, was on standard 305 milk test for 2020, with both ADGA and AGS. Despite a wildland fire through the farm, three months of evacuations, and disruptions to the milk testing schedule in 2020, Meme did complete her lactation at 337 DIM, producing a very respectable thousand pounds in one of the most trying years for any doe. In 2022, at almost 11 years of age, we were finally able to get Ringo’s dam appraised for her permanent score, EEEE 92.

Ringo is showing so much of Meme’s length, and width, and so far has passed this along to his daughters, and we look forward to seeing his first freshened daughters in 2024.


Kidding DateDam#Does#Bucks
3/19/2022Curbstone Valley DS Kestrel20
5/01/2022Curbstone Valley Loch Katrine20

Not Yet Appraised