3G Family Farm CC Apollo Arrow *B

Born: March 27, 2017 Height: 23.25″ at 2 Years
Sire: J-Nels L Chocolate Crinkle *B
SS: Rosasharn SH Legend *B
SD: SGCH J-Nels HM Kookie Doe 3*M
Dam: SGCH Castle Rock Karhmann Ghia 2*M 5*D AR 2528 EEEE 91
DS: Rosasharn TL Sitka Spruce ++B +*S
DD: SG ARMCH Lost Valley TB Infinity 1*M 4*D
DNA: SQ | α S1-Casein: A/B
When we heard that Apollo was available, we were excited at the prospect of bringing him in as one of our new junior herd sires. He brings with him some genetics we’re very familiar with, along with a dash of something new.
His dam, Karhmann Ghia, is a lovely well balanced doe, that exudes dairy strength, and continues to improve as she matures. Karhmann is the dam of our Superior Genetics doe, Castle Rock Minerva, which makes Apollo Minerva’s maternal half-brother, and there is no question that Minnie has long been a favorite in our herd.
Apollo’s sire, Crinkle, is the dash of something new, and introduces some J-Nels genetics to the herd. Crinkle’s dam, Kookie Doe, placed first in her three year-old class at the 2013 ADGA National Show, and held that position by placing first in the four year-old class at the 2014 Nationals. She in turn is the daughter of the 2011 Reserve National Champion, SGCH J-Nels ER Dumplin. Crinkle’s full littermate sister placed 5th in the junior yearling class at the 2015 National Show.
Needless to say, Apollo has some big hooves to fill, and has some promising potential both in regards to production, and correct conformation.
Kidding Date | Dam | #Does | #Bucks |
3/1/2018 | Curbstone Valley Cleodora 7*M 2*D | 1 | 4 |
3/6/2018 | Curbstone Valley Melia 7*M 2*D | 1 | 0 |
3/11/2019 | Curbstone Valley Callirrhoe 7*M 2*D | 2 | 2 |
4/6/2019 | Curbstone Valley Fernalds Iris 3*M 6*D | 3 | 0 |
Year | Age | Height (Inches) | General Appearance | Dairy Strength | Body Capacity | FS |
2019 | 2.02 | 23.25 | V | V | V | 87 |