
Recommended by Curbstone Valley Farm

Curbstone Valley Farm is not responsible for the content of the following outside sources


Henderson’s Handy Dandy Chicken Breed Chart

Sand Hill Preservation Center – Heirloom Poultry

USDA-APHIS Biosecurity for Birds



Colorado Master Gardener Program Garden Notes (CSU)

Johnny’s Selected Seeds (Organic Vegetable Seeds)

Larner Seeds (CA Natives)

Seeds of Change (Organic Seeds)

TomatoFest Seed Store (Organic Heirloom Tomato Seeds)

UC Master Gardening Program



Dave Wilson Nursery

RainTree Nursery

The California Backyard Orchard (UC Davis)

Trees of Antiquity (Heirloom Fruit Trees)


Vines and Wine

Cover Cropping Database (UC SAREP)

Duarte Nursery (Grape Vines and Rootstocks)

Home Winemaking (eBook – UC Davis)

Santa Cruz Mountains Wine Growers Association

The Home Winemakers Manual (eBook – PDF)


Bee Keeping

Bee Biology and Genetics (UC Davis)

Bee Source

10-Frame WBC Bee Hive Construction Plans (PDF)

10-Frame Langstroth Bee Hive Construction Plans (PDF)


Pests and Diseases

Integrated Pest Management Program (UC Davis)

Light Brown Apple Moth

Plant Right – Keep Invasive Plants in Check

Sudden Oak Death


Native Flora

CalFlora – California Wild Plants Database

California Native Plant Society

Jepson Flora Project


Native Plants and Seeds

Gold Rush Nursery

Larner Seeds

Las Pilitas Nursery

Native Revival Nursery

Tree of Life Nursery

Yerba Buena Nursery


Native Fauna

Butterflies and Moths of California

California Reptiles and Amphibians

Endangered Species in Santa Cruz County