Livestock Guardian Dogs
The farm was founded in California, where the most formidable threat to our herd was the mountain lion (Puma concolor). Numerous trail cameras across the property would capture at least four individual lions that would regularly traverse through the parcel, both day and night, where territories overlapped. Additional potential on-farm predators, especially of our younger stock, included hawks, foxes, and bobcats. Since relocating to Virginia, the mountain lion threat is no longer a primary concern. However, stray dogs, foxes, bobcats, coyotes, and bears are all potential threats at the new farm.
However, with responsible farm management, there is no reason we cannot strive to co-exist with the diverse array of wildlife that we share this land with. The dogs are as vital to protecting our herd, as they are to protecting wildlife. By discouraging wildlife from lurking near our livestock, it removes the need for depredation.
The farm is home to two close-guarding livestock guardian breeds. The Italian Maremma, and Spanish Mastiff.
Our dogs are critical to our ability to farm where we are, and essential members of our farm family. While farms with minimal predator pressures may be able to leave their guardians outside with their herds and flocks both day and night, it is most important to first know one’s predators, and their capabilities. It is also important to understand the limitations of the dogs. A solo dog versus a bear for example, is not a fair fight. While the dogs are vital to keeping predators pushed back, we cannot ensure the safety of everyone with dogs alone. As raising, and training a trustworthy, and effective guardian, is an investment in both resources, and in time, the injury or loss of a dog would create a void that would be impossible to fill quickly. LGD’s are not invincible, so we protect our dogs as much as we protect the goats. During the day we work closely with our dogs, and they are additional sets of vigilant eyes and ears in the pastures with the goats. At night, they are secured in the barns, along with their goats, for their own protection.
New for 2024
We have two new additions for 2024. Elke, and Fortezza Tornádo Erben. Fortezza was one of the last Spanish Mastiffs to be imported into the United States from the Tornádo Erben Kennel in Czechia. Effective August 1st, 2024, new restrictive CDC importation rules now mandate that all dogs imported into the USA must be at least 6 months of age upon arrival. This puts undue burden on breeders to hold puppies, and train them during that hold period prior to export. Due to the sheer size and weight limits for standard air cargo shipping, importing giant breed puppies after August 1st 2024 will no longer be practical as they will exceed standard air cargo shipping limits by six months of age. For livestock guarding breeds, not obtaining the dogs during their primary socialization period, and exposing them to livestock at a young age, can significantly impair a young dog’s ability to work successfully with livestock. As such, we are very grateful to Kennel Tornado Erben for working closely with us to bring in two beautiful young healthy female purebred Spanish Mastiff puppies before the CDC rule change was enacted. It is our hope going forward, that some of the excellent European Spanish Mastiff breeders may consider semen exports in the near future to help maintain genetic diversity within the breed here in the United States.

Fortezza Tornádo Erben – “Tezza”
We were very fortunate that at the time the new CDC import regulations were announced, we had a reservation for a female puppy from ICh Princess Zita Tornádo Erben and Ch. Maximo, Romulus’ sire.
Fortezza’s breeder, at the time the puppies were born, referred to this cross as her dream litter, and it is easy to understand why.
Princess Zita is a beautifully correct and accomplished female. Strong, with a powerful presence, perfectly angular, with a beautiful level back and ease of movement. Zita is a sixth generation Tornádo Erben female, and fifth generation International Champion at Tornado Erben.
Maximo is a Spanish import with a pedigree that goes back to Tornado Erben through his great grandmother, Sofia Sol Tornado Erben. Maximo was Romulus’ sire, and after bringing Romulus to the United States, we knew we needed another puppy sired by him. While correctness in structure is important in breeding, Maximo’s charming personality and easy-going temperament is so evident in his offspring.
All photos of Fortezza aged 0-10 weeks, Princess Zita & Maximo credit to: Lenka Erbenová, at Kennel Tornádo Erben, Czechia
Dam: ICh Princess Zita Tornado Erben HD A ED 0/0

Show Record:
– Club winner
– 2x CAC
– BIS Puppy
Sire: Jorgito de Serylu
– Young Champion, Leon 2018
Dam: Glenda de Amdece de Nava
Show Record:
– Czech junior champion
– CCJ – Best young female in SPAIN
– National winner, Young winner of Special show, 2x Regional winner, Winner of Lysa nad Labem
– BIG II, 7x Best of Breed, 5x CACIB, 9x CAC, 18x excellent
Sire: I Ch. ISCO de Tierra de Orbigo HD A, ED 0/0
– Czech Grand Champion
– Czech Champion
– Club Champion
– Champion CMKU
– Czech Junior Champion
– 6x Best of Breed, 5x CACIB, 3x National winner, Club winner of Moloss club CZ, Club winner of Slovakia Moloss club, Winner of special show, Regional winner, 4x CAC CMKU, 11x CAC, Jugendbester, 3x CAJC, BOJ, 5x BOS, 19x excellent
– BIS PUPPY (Best puppy Club show of Moloss club CZ 2016)
Dam: ICh Hortensia Tornado Erben HD A, ED 0/0
– Czech Junior Champion
– 5x Best of Breed, 5x CACIB, Best of Breed, Club winner of Moloss club Cz, Club winner of Slovakia Moloss club, Young club winner of Moloss club CZ, Young club winner of slovakia Moloss club, Regional winner, 8x CAC, 3x CAJC, 3x Best junior
– Very Promising among 3 best babies of all special show of Moloss club CZ

Elke Tornádo Erben
Elke Tornádo Erben was born, in April of 2024, one of a litter of ten puppies from Ch Niurka Tornádo Erben, sired by Spanish import, Robin de Laciana. More about Elke’s parents noted below.
We love this breed, and the goats are very accepting of these dogs. We are fortunate that at the time the new CDC importation rules were announced, our plans to bring Elke into the United States were already underway.
Elke has pure Spanish bloodlines. Her mother, Niurka, was produced from two Spanish import parents, and Elke’s sire, Robin, himself was recently imported from Spain.
All photos of Elke aged 0-10 weeks, Niurka & Robin credit to: Lenka Erbenová, at Kennel Tornádo Erben, Czechia
Sire: Ch. Robin de Laciana HD A, ED 0/0, OCD free
Dam: Ch. Niurka Tornado Erben HD A, ED 0/0

Show Record:
– CACIB, CWC, Best junior, Young winner, 2x excellent 1, very promising 1
Sire: Brais de Hazas de Cesto
Dam: Silvana de Laciana
Show Record:
– Interchampion
– Champion of Poland
– Czech Champion
– National Winner, Regional Winner
– 3x Best of Breed, 3x BOS, 4x CACIB, 8x CAC, 12x excellent
Sire: I Ch. ISCO de Tierra de Orbigo HD A, ED 0/0
– Czech Grand Champion
– Czech Champion
– Club Champion
– Champion CMKU
– Czech Junior Champion
– 6x Best of Breed, 5x CACIB, 3x National winner, Club winner of Moloss club CZ, Club winner of Slovakia Moloss club, Winner of special show, Regional winner, 4x CAC CMKU, 11x CAC, Jugendbester, 3x CAJC, BOJ, 5x BOS, 19x excellent
– BIS PUPPY (Best puppy Club show of Moloss club CZ 2016)
Dam: JCh Carla de Fuente Mimbre
– Czech Junior Champion
– CAC, 3x CAJC, 2x BOJ, 4x excellent 1

Romulus Tornádo Erben – “Roman”
This very special new member of our farm family, Romulus Tornádo Erben – “Roman”, was born November 23rd, 2020. One of a litter of seven puppies from JCh Galaxia Tornádo Erben’s first litter, sired by a very handsome Spanish import, Maximo. More about Roman’s parents noted below.
This giant, but gentle breed, has proven to be an excellent fit for our busy farm. Intelligent, self-assured, and affectionate, while wary of strangers, and wildlife intruders, but protective of family and stock.
Seeking strength in conformation, with sound disposition, we chose to bring Roman in from Kennel Tornádo Erben, in Czechia. A world-renowned and experienced Spanish Mastiff breeder, and producer of numerous international champions in the breed. We are so grateful to Lenka Erbenová for entrusting Roman to us, and working with us to bring him to California.
All photos of Romulus aged 0-10 weeks, Maximo & Galaxia credit to: Lenka Erbenová, at Kennel Tornádo Erben, Czechia
Dam: J Ch Galaxia Tornádo Erben HD B ED 0/0

Show Record:
– Club winner
– 2x CAC
– BIS Puppy
Sire: Jorgito de Serylu
– Young Champion, Leon 2018
Dam: Glenda de Amdece de Nava
Show Record:
– Czech junior champion
– BOB, CACIB, 4x CAC, National winner
– excellent 1 and BEST JUNIOR in special show in SPAIN
– excellent 2 on European dog show at the age of 9 months with 9 females in the ring
– very promising 2 – 2nd best puppy female on Club show AEPME in SPAIN
– very promising 2 – 2nd best puppy female on Special show in Barrios de Luna in SPAIN
Sire: I Ch. ISCO de Tierra de Orbigo HD A, ED 0/0
– Czech Grand Champion
– Czech Champion
– Club Champion
– Champion CMKU
– Czech Junior Champion
– 6x Best of Breed, 5x CACIB, 3x National winner, Club winner of Moloss club CZ, Club winner of Slovakia Moloss club, Winner of special show, Regional winner, 4x CAC CMKU, 11x CAC, Jugendbester, 3x CAJC, BOJ, 5x BOS, 19x excellent
– BIS PUPPY (Best puppy Club show of Moloss club CZ 2016)
Dam: Ch Yerba Tigre Tornádo Erben
– Czech Champion
– Champion CMKU
– 5x Best of Breed, 5x CACIB, res. CACIB, 8x CAC, CWC, 3x BOS, Club winner, Regional winner
– Excellent 1 – Best young female in show in SPAIN
– Very Promising 2 in special show in SPAIN
Ivan came to us as an established goat guardian. Our friends at Alethia Homestead had downsized their herd considerably, and were looking for a working home for this handsome Spanish / Pyrenean Mastiff cross.
At 175 lbs, Ivan is considerably larger than the goats he guards. Despite his size, a large male mountain lion would be of similar weight, so Ivan never works alone.
Ivan is incredibly intelligent. Despite never having guarded poultry before, he quickly learned that our Dark Brahma’s were part of his new farm family, and on more than one occasion saved our rooster, Jean-Pierre, from being attacked by a bobcat.
As is typical of Spanish Mastiffs, Ivan’s demeanor around the goats is slow, methodical, mellow, and easy-going. However, those that know him, also know he is not a pushover. During our evacuation from the CZU fire, the dogs were housed with the goats in close-quarters at the Fairgrounds. Despite his easy-going temperament, he will not tolerate people interfering with this charges, and if you have messed with his goats before, and dare to return, he WILL remember you, and react accordingly. When a 175 lb Mastiff stands on his hind legs, and lunges over a livestock panel, it tends to get the attention of those interfering with his stock. He is an excellent judge of character, and has no difficulty discerning friend from foe.
That said, while he takes his job very seriously, Ivan has the most incredible sweet disposition with members of his family, both caprine, and human. He is convinced, despite his stature, that he will fit in your lap, if you let him!

After working with Ivan for two years, it was very obvious that the Mastiff temperament and intelligence has proven to be an excellent fit, both for us, and our goats. He is content to watch over them, and guard them, and give them as much or as little space as they desire. We would love to have bred Ivan, but as he is a castrated male, that was not an option, but after speaking with others about their experiences with the breed, in addition to our own, that led us to seek out Romulus from Tornádo Erben.

Black Alder Serenity – “River”
River (Black Alder Serenity) is a registered Italian Maremma (Stonybrook Alexa x Thistle Havens Hunter). Like the Mastin, Maremma’s are also a close-guarding breed. Despite the acreage on the farm, the animals are generally relatively close-in to the barns during the day within their fenced pastures, and River is happy to be wherever her goats are.
As is typical of the Maremma breed, River is always hyper-alert. What she lacks in power and strength, she makes up for in agility and awareness. It seems most Maremma sheep dogs will go through a phase of barking at every puff of wind, or falling leaf, and in an environment such as ours, with variable terrain, her constant awareness of her surroundings invariably means she is the first to notice, and guard-bark, when trouble is brewing. While she is never far from the herd, she is a little more inclined to routinely patrol the pasture perimeters, while Ivan stays closer to the herd.
While it may seem odd to some to run two different breeds of livestock guardians, they each have their strengths, and they compliment each other well as part of our guardian team.
“A dog has one aim in life…to bestow his heart” – J.R. Ackerley