drewem trd zenko *b

Drewem TRD Zenko *B (PC: Drewem Nigerians)

Born: December 24, 2023 

Sire: Hilltown Meadows The Real Deal *B
SS: CH Wood Bridge Farm Unbound Merit *B VVV89 ( α S1-A/B)
SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Arabella 1*M VEEE 91 (3x GCH, 3x BOB, 3x BUOB, 1x BDIS)

Dam: GCH Gypsy Moon Maiko 1*M (3x GCH, 3x BOB, 2x RGCH) EEEE 90
DS: CH J-Nels LY Siu Mai *B (2013 ADGA Spotlight Sale Buck)
DD: Gypsy Moon WP Celebration VG 87.3


DNA: SQ   |   α S1-Casein: A/B

COI: 0.87%



No breeding program can function in complete isolation, and it has been a while since we have brought in significantly new genetics to the herd. Looking to branch out a bit from the foundational West Coast genetics that have dominated our program to date, we have been casually looking for a new outcross junior herdsire that might complement our breeding program.

Enter Zenko. Named for the good, and benevolent kitsune, servants to the Shintō diety, Inari, in Japanese folklore, Zenko was born Christmas Eve, just in time to be our early Christmas present. Almost as soon as Zenko was born, Emily remarked that Zenko appeared to have been made especially for our herd as he is a recessive red. Emily knows we are not color breeders, but red and gold are well represented in our herd due to our heavy Algedi/Rosasharn genetic foundation, and it’s true that Zenko should fit right in. No doubt even more reds and golds will be forthcoming in his progeny here.

Emily is well-versed in quality conformation, and has produced some beautiful animals in her time as herd manager for Winning Streak. Now managing her own herd, I can absolutely see why she chose to bring in Zenko’s dam, Gypsy Moon Maiko, as part of the foundation of her new breeding program. 

Zenko’s dam, Maiko, caught our eye the first time we saw her. Maiko is an all-around beautifully balanced doe. She has a strong presence, and yet is refined, with a strong and level topline, angular, and flat-boned. Her udder is well attached, and capacious, yet proportional to her frame, and is set perfectly under her wide, flat, rump. Maiko is the daughter of CH J-Nel’s Siu Mai, the 2013 spotlight sale buck, and Siu Mai’s dam was the 2011 ADGA Reserve National Champion, SGCH J-Nels ER Dumplin 2*M VEEE 90. Shortly after entering the Drewem herd, Maiko easily finished her permanent championship. She is a doe I would love to have in my herd, and her general appearance is similar to some of our does here, including Ocean’s granddaughter, Galene, who is my personal favorite. If Maiko can’t be at Curbstone Valley herself, then we hope her son, Zenko, will stamp his dam’s type throughout his future progeny.

Dealer, Zenko’s sire, is a handsome buck in his own right, and linebred on his grandsire, Wood Bridge Farm Understated. Understated is the son of GCH Wood Bridge Farm Belladonna, who was the ADGA National Champion doe in 2014 and 2016. Understated has sired a number of permanent champions, and is the sire of GCH Wood Bridge Farm Spelling Bee, the doe who commanded a record-breaking $16,100 dollars at the ADGA Colorama sale in 2016. Dealer’s littermate sister, Hilltown Meadows UM Bella, earned her Junior Champion Leg, and was Best Junior Doe in Show at just six months old. Dealer’s sire, Wood Bridge Farm Unbound Merit is a finished permanent champion.

Dealer’s dam, GCH Wood Bridge Farm Arabella VEEE 91, has continued to improve as she ages. At six years old she really hit her stride last year, sweeping all three rings of the A Goat A Fair show in Delaware in 2023. Not only did she win Grand Champion Senior Doe in all three rings, but also Best Udder of Breed under all three judges, and claimed Best Doe In Show under judge Jean Lucas. Arabella is the daughter of Wood Bridge Farm Undermine, who placed 3rd, with 3rd place udder, at the 2016 ADGA National Show.

Needless to say Zenko’s resume is impressive, and he has some big hooves to fill. The longer we work with this breed, the pickier we become. It is not easy finding outcross herdsires that will mesh well with our existing genetics, without unraveling the progress made in our herd to date, while simultaneously having the potential to make the additional improvements we are looking for, continuing to move the herd forward, but Zenko’s potential contributions are intriguing.

Zenko’s full littermate sister, Drewem TRD Kitana Kahn, is retained to the Drewem herd, and we will be following her progress as she matures. She has already earned her dry restricted GCH leg, and earned a Best Junior Doe in Show.  Zenko’s maternal half-sister, Drewem MG Nori, is off to a fabulous start, garnering Junior Champion Doe, and Best Junior Doe in Show at her very first show at eleven months of age. If scheduling permits this season, we hope to trot Zenko out to his first show later this year.

Although our breeding and kidding for spring of 2024 is very light due to increased work-related commitments this year, we have a number of lovely prospects for Zenko this coming fall for spring of 2025, and we are very much looking forward to meeting his first progeny!

Thank you, Emily, for entrusting Zenko to us! He is a stunning buck, and we are excited to have him here at Curbstone Valley!




Not Yet Bred

Not Yet Appraised