Curbstone Valley TBB Wolf 359 *B

Born: March 31, 2023
Sire: Alethia DOH The Big Bang *B VEV 88
SS: GCH Algedi Farm DJ Drops of Honey +*B
SD: GCH Algedi Farm D Capella 4*M VEEE 91
Dam: GCH Alethia HB When Stars Align 6*M 2*D AR VEEE 90
DS: Algedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay ++*B
DD: GCH Alethia DJ Written N The Stars 5*M *D AR 3054 VEEE 91
DNA: PQ | α S1-Casein: A/A
COI: 14.22%
In 2023, Allie and Leonard produced a stunning litter of kids. Two bucks, and two does. What more could anyone ask for!?
Allie (GCH Alethia When Stars Align) is very close to my ideal doe. A sound and solid milk producer, with the width, depth, and capacity to support production, and kidding with ease. A thousand pound milker as a first freshener, and highly capable of milking through on an extended lactation, as proven after our evacuation. Allie has the highest rear udder height, and widest rear udder arch in the herd, that is holding up beautifully as she ages. Although somewhat slow to mature, but expected from these genetics, she scored VEEE 90 as a permanent score at six years of age.
In 2022, Allie and Hanukkah produced Regulus, who has the widest escutcheon of any young buckling we have ever produced to that point. Unfortunately, Regulus’ sire has been used so much in the herd, that at the moment he is finding little work here.
Wolfie’s sire, Leonard (Alethia DOH The Big Bang), to date, has not been used as extensively as Hanukkah, especially with our year off from breeding after the fire and move east. The Allie x Leonard kids were so consistent across the board, that we chose to use Wolfie as the predominant sire for our 2024 kid crop. From birth, Wolfie was my personal favorite, but he was a smidge bigger than his brother when he was born, and stood out a little more at that time. I knew I would retain him. The two boys are so similar now, they are difficult to tell apart. For fun, though, I took his brother, Zaurak, who in all measurements, and assessments of general appearance, width, and depth was remarkably similar to Wolfie, to our first show in Virginia in the fall of 2023. Zaurak was awarded Junior Champion buck at 5 months old at that show. In hindsight, I wish I had taken Wolfie, too, but maybe we can get him out in the show ring in 2024.
Meanwhile, Wolfie has been bred to some lovely does for 2024 spring kids, and we are eager to see what he produces.
Kidding Date | Dam | #Does | #Bucks |
4/13/2024 | Curbstone Valley H Aria VVEE 90 8*M 3*D AR | 2 | 0 |
4/16/2024 | Curbstone Valley H Zahara | 3 | 0 |
4/19/2024 | Curbstone Valley LMD Peregrine | 3 | 0 |
4/30/2024 | Curbstone Valley M Syrah | 0 | 2 |
Not Yet Appraised