Curbstone Valley TBB PendragoN *b

Born: March 23, 2022
Sire: Alethia DOH The Big Bang *B VEV 88
SS: GCH Algedi Farm DJ Drops of Honey +*B
SD: GCH Algedi Farm D Capella 4*M VEEE 91
Dam: SG Curbstone Valley Rowena 3*M 3*D AR 2995 VEEE 90 *Elite 2017-2019*
DS: Camanna RZ White Zedoary +B +S
DD: SG Castle Rock Royalia 2*M 2*D AR 2776 VEEE 90 *Elite 2018*
DNA: PQ | α S1-Casein: A/A
COI: 2.93%
Another up and coming buck that will benefit greatly from a bath and a clip! At the moment he looks like a hairy mutt with a mullet!
Although we were hoping for a doe from the cross of Rowena with Alethia DOH The Big Bang, this young buck was striking at birth, almost the spitting image of his dam in type.
Rowena has proven herself repeatedly in the herd. A productive doe, with a strong dairy type that she has handily passed forward to her progeny. Her daughter, Avalon, was the highest appraising doe carrying our herdname in 2022, scoring EEEE 91 as her permanent score, with E’s in shoulders, back, rump, front and rear legs, AND mammary system.
Despite Uther’s late winter floofy and shaggy appearance in the photograph above, he is every bit of the same type as his dam, and Ava, in his general appearance.
After being frustrated at not being able to source an outcross buck of the type we were looking for, we have chosen to retain Uther in the herd. As we haven’t used his sire too much, yet, he will likely get quite a few dates this fall, and we are excited to see what he throws forward to his progeny.
Meanwhile, he is first up for a haircut as soon as the warmer spring weather arrives!
Not Yet Bred
Not Yet Appraised