Curbstone Valley LMD Peregrine

Born: March 19, 2022
Sire: Curbstone Valley SO Luv Me Dew *B
SS: Curbstone Valley Space Oddity *B *S VEV 89
SD: SGCH Alethia MH Dew Ya Love Me 6*M *D AR EEEE 92
Dam: Curbstone Valley DS Kestrel 4*M AR (Pending) VVEE 90
DS: CH Alethia HB Destiny’s Starman *B EVE 90
DD: Curbstone Valley Skylark 3*M 2*D AR
DNA: PQ | α S1-Casein: A/A
COI: 10.12%
Admittedly this is a terrible, and fluffy photo, of a lovely, albeit, uncooperative doe that day, who kept wanting to back up on the leash. A little more leash work, and we can update her photo in the spring after she’s clipped. Regardless, there was something about the strength and substance to Peregrine, and her sister, Magpie, the moment they were born. They are deep and wide, even at this young age, but without sacrificing dairy quality. Their sire’s dam is very much of the type that we gravitate toward, and Peregrine’s overall appearance looked like a miniature version of her sire’s dam, Meme (Alethia MH Dew Ya Love Me), the moment she was born.
Peregrine’s dam, Kestrel, while a smaller doe, has excellent width and capacity for a first freshening doe. Her udder was a vast improvement over that of her dam, Skylark. While Lark was of near perfect type, her udder attachments, courtesy of her sire, needed improvement, and Destiny’s Starman did just that. Kestrel scored VVEE 90 as a second freshening three year-old. To help retain the improvement in mammary attachment that Kestrel showed, we elected to breed Kestrel to Meme’s son, Luv Me Dew (aka Ringo), and he was generous enough to gift us two daughters. Peregrine has retained the width of her dam, but is longer in body, and more feminine in overall appearance. Another exciting doe to see freshen in 2024.
Not Yet Freshened
Not Yet Freshened
Not Yet Appraised