Curbstone Valley LMD Loch Hope

Born: May 1, 2022
Sire: Curbstone Valley SO Luv Me Dew *B
SS: Curbstone Valley Space Oddity *B *S VEV 89
SD: SGCH Alethia MH Dew Ya Love Me 6*M *D AR EEEE 92
Dam: Curbstone Valley Loch Katrine 5*M 5*D AR (Pending) VGEE 88
DS: CH Alethia HB Destiny’s Starman *B EVE 90
DD: Curbstone Valley Nimue 4*M 4*D AR 3173 VEEV 89
DNA: Pending | α S1-Casein: Pending
COI: 9.97%
Hope combines the doe lines of two of our long time favorites, Rowena, and Meme (Dew Ya Love Me). Her dam, Katy, had a solid first lactation, especially considering she only had twin doelings that year, and easily earned her milk stars in volume and components.
Katy’s first appraisal was good considering she was carrying a fair bit of excess fleshing with it being so late in the season, and she has a beautiful back, one of my favorite rumps, and lovely rear leg angulation.
Hope has a lot of similar type traits to her dam, and we were looking to retain her dam’s length of body and capacity, while improving medial strength and teat placement through her sire. We’ll have to see how that turns out in the spring of 2024.
Not Yet Freshened
Not Yet Freshened
Not Yet Appraised