Curbstone Valley DS Star Rock (*B *S Pending)

Born: April 3, 2022
Sire: GCH Alethia HB Destiny’s Starman +*B EVE 90
SS: Algedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay ++*B
SD: GCH Alethia DJ Written N The Stars 5*M *D AR 3054 VEEE 91
Dam: Curbstone Valley TBB Kuromitzu (8*M 3*D AR Pending) VVEE 90
DS: Alethia DOH The Big Bang *B VEV 88
DD: Curbstone Valley Melia 7*M 2*D AR VEEV 89
DNA: PQ | α S1-Casein: A/A
COI: 9.57%
Sometimes curiosity gets the best of me, and once in a rare while a buck from a first freshener will remain here to be proven.
This buckling was quite stunning from the minute he was born. Although he is currently going through a little bit of the awkard ganglies, he has the type and mammary system genetics behind him that is difficult to ignore.
Rocky’s dam, Kuromitzu, is a long, flat boned, very dairy doe, and her sire, Alethia DOH The Big Bang made some very desirable improvements to her mammary system in regards to rear udder height, area of attachment, and arch width.
We know these genetics well, and as Rocky’s sire is aging, and we have loved the daughters produced by Rocky’s paternal half-brother, Asterion, we have chosen to hold on to this young buck and see what he can do, especially when crossed back over some of Hanukkah’s daughters that have some of the Algedi genetics behind them.
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Not Yet Appraised