Curbstone Valley DS Gemmata

Born: April 27, 2022
Sire: GCH Alethia HB Destiny’s Starman +*B EVE 90
SS: Algedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay ++*B
SD: GCH Alethia DJ Written N The Stars 5*M *D AR 3054 VEEE 91
Dam: Curbstone Valley H Amanita VVV+ 85 (FF) (4*M 6*D Pending)
DS: Sinai Thunder EX Hanukkah *B *S VEV 88
DD: Curbstone Valley Chanterelle 3*M 5*D AR 3169 EVEV 90
DNA: Pending | α S1-Casein: Pending
Named for the jewelled Amanita, A. Gemmata, Gemma is a lovely doe that combines the strengths of both of her parents.
Deep, and wide, for a junior kid, she was retained as soon as she was born.
Although her dam only freshened with this single doe as a first freshener, she was a consistent milker throughout the season, and her udder has more area of attachment than her dam.
We have always loved Chanterelle, but have been looking for improvements in mammary capacity and attachment, which we expect Starman will bring with Gemma. We’ll have to wait and see when she freshens in 2024.
Not Yet Freshened
Not Yet Freshened
Not yet Appraised