Curbstone Valley D Situla

Curbstone Valley D Situla

Born: April 3, 2024


Sire: Sinai Thunder O Dauntless *B *S EEE 91
SS: SG Cedar View Olivero ++*B ++*S 90 Ex, VEV 88, 9x ELITE (2018-2023)
SD: SG Helmstead Minis GB Virtue 3*M 3*DAR EEEE 92

Dam: GCH Alethia HB When Stars Align 6*M 2*D AR VEEE 90
DS: Algedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay ++*B
DD: GCH Alethia DJ Written N The Stars 5*M *D AR 3054 VEEE 91


DNA: PQ   |   α S1-Casein: B/B



Situla, an orange to red giant star in the constellation Aquarius, and we hope she will prove to be a giant star as she matures.

The truth is, Situla was never intended to stay in the herd, before her dam was even confirmed pregnant. We had offered first choice doe to a breeder on the west coast, as part of their foundation for their new Nigerian herd. However, despite attempts to arrange delivery or transport to the National Show that year in Louisville, and subsequent attempts to help the buyer secure reasonable transport (both in cost, and duration of the trip during the heat of summer), we cancelled sale. Not something we ever do lightly, but at the end of the day what matters most is the health and welfare of the animal above all. We feel the breeder chose well of the three does from Allie and Dauntless that year, as Situla does have a slight avantage in length and balance of the cannon bone relative to her sisters. She is a lovely leggy dairy doe, with flat bone, and level topline, and top-line is an element that her dam’s genetic line tends to struggle with, but that Dauntless easily corrected.

Not wanting Tula to meet the same fate as some other very promising does, rather than re-list her for sale, we have elected to retain her so we can watch her mature, freshen, and obtain at least one lactation on DHIR. The Commonwealth of Virginia will not be eligible for Linear Appraisal again after this coming fall, until 2027, so hopefully we can appraise her at that time, as I have a feeling she won’t be going anywhere anytime soon…

Not Yet Freshened

Not Yet Freshened

Not Yet Appraised