Curbstone Valley D Rigel *B (*S Pending)

Curbstone Valley D Rigel *B

Born: April 3, 2024


Sire: Sinai Thunder O Dauntless *B *S EEE 91
SS: SG Cedar View Olivero ++*B ++*S 90 Ex, VEV 88, 9x ELITE (2018-2023)
SD: SG Helmstead Minis GB Virtue 3*M 3*DAR EEEE 92

Dam: GCH Alethia HB When Stars Align 6*M 2*D AR VEEE 90
DS: Algedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay ++*B
DD: GCH Alethia DJ Written N The Stars 5*M *D AR 3054 VEEE 91


DNA: PQ   |   α S1-Casein: A/B

COI: 1.83%



It is official. I am hoarding Allie’s kids. After losing her first son, Aldebaran, to a freak accident, I have become quite possessive of all of her kids. I already have two other Allie sons. Regulus, sired by Wood Bridge Farm Peridot’s son, Sinai Thunder EX Hanukkah. Wolf 359, sired by Algedi Farm D Capella’s son, Alethia DOH The Big Bang. Why on earth do I need Rigel? That’s is rhetorical, and yes, I NEED Rigel, at least for now.

As we all know, it is not a buck’s pedigree that matters most, but what he puts on the ground. So, until I see what all three of these boys are consistently producing, they stay here. At some point I will be forced into having to reign in the number and keep things more sensible, but for now, I could fill an entire barn full of Allie progeny, and grand-progeny, and I am A-OK with that.

So, what’s so special about Rigel? While you might think I am simply chasing production genetics via Olivero, you would not be entirely correct there. Rigel’s paternal grand-dam, his sire’s dam, Helmstead Mini’s GB Virtue EEEE 92, is actually who caught my attention more. Back in the early part of our breeding program, we had a Rosasharn-heavy buck in rotation, and much of the Algedi and Alethia genetics we also have used harken back to the Rosasharn lines. Real classic Nigerian genetics, with strength in both udder structure, including RUA and RUH, and production. No Swiss markings, no moonspots, just plain vanilla traditional Nigerians. They are genetics we are familiar with, and comfortable working with. So, now we have been at this for some years, with Dauntless we felt it was an excellent opportunity to weave a smidge of those genetics back in. Dauntless himself is a lovely well-put together buck, who produces beautiful structurally correct offspring. Crossing that with Allie’s structural correctness, and soundness, capacity, hardiness, and willingness to milk, we are excited at the prospect of freshening the daughters from this cross in the spring of 2026. Rigel’s brothers, Wolf 359 and Regulus both dominated our 2024 kidding season, and we love what they produced. In the meantime Allie’s son Rigel is bred to Avalon’s daughter, Morgana, for spring of 2025, crossing a son of one of the best type bucks in the herd, with the daughter of the best type doe, Avalon. We are very curious to see the results this coming spring!



Kids due 2025

Not Yet Appraised