Curbstone Valley C Mystique

Born: April 15, 2022
Sire: Curbstone Valley H Capriccio *B *S
SS: Sinai Thunder EX Hanukkah *B *S VEV 88
SD: GCH Curbstone Valley Calypso 7*M 2*D AR VVEE 90
Dam: Curbstone Valley DS Elektra 7*M 2*D (Pending)
DS: CH Alethia HB Destiny’s Starman *B EVE 90
DD: GCH Algedi Farm RB Ocean Flower 6*M *D AR EEEE 92
DNA: Pending | α S1-Casein: Pending
COI: 8.93%
Mystique is linebred on GCH Algedi Farm RB Ocean Flower EEEE 92, indubitably the best doe in our herd, and has proven herself to be pivotal in the foundation of this herd.
Mystique’s dam, Elektra, freshened with the loveliest of udders in our first freshener group in 2022. Unfortunately, having suffered a fractured pelvis as a junior kid, her symmetry and gait in the hind end left her difficult to assess at her first appraisal. However, although Elektra is now a brood doe, and cannot be shown, we have high hopes for this beautiful daughter of her’s to continue Ocean’s line.
Elektra’s brother, Asterion, has a couple of freshened daughters, both of whom have beautiful mammary systems that are substantial improvements over their dams.
Mystique’s sire’s dam, GCH Curbstone Valley Calypso, is one of our favorite Ocean daughters. Hanukkah complimented Calypso beautifully, producing both Capriccio, and his sister, Aria, who was our highest appraising first-freshening two year-old in 2022 (VEVV 89), with an E in front and rear legs, and rump. We were short on time that afternoon, and sadly did not appraise Capriccio, but he is very similar in general appearance to Aria.
Mystique’s pedigree combines some of our very best, in both her sire’s and dam’s line, and she will be an exciting doe to watch in 2024.
Not Yet Freshened
Not Yet Freshened
Not Yet Appraised