Hierochloe occidentalis

Hierochloe occidentalis

After spending much of last year familiarizing ourselves with many of the native plants on the property, this year we’ve resolved to try harder when it comes to positively identifying our native grasses. Identification of native grass species, quite simply, can...
Building Owl Boxes

Building Owl Boxes

You might be expecting a ‘Fowl Friday’ post, but this week we’ve decided do an ‘Owl Friday’ post instead. In our February Garden Update we were lamenting the fact that hoards of voles (Microtus californicus) have moved into our orchard. ...
Grafting Apple Trees

Grafting Apple Trees

In January we attended a Scion Exchange.  At that time we obtained a number of apple scions to graft to new M-111 rootstock. However, despite the fact that January’s weather was remarkably spring-like, we opted to wait to graft our scions until our rootstocks...
Oxalis pes-caprae

Oxalis pes-caprae

A few short years ago, when we first moved to Curbstone Valley, there was no Oxalis pes-caprae to be found anywhere on the property.  None.  I was almost smug about it, as I’d hear of friends closer to the coast constantly battling the thick choking mats of this...