by Clare | Jun 5, 2012 | Farm Blog, Garden, Vegetables
In our last tomato grafting post we discussed why we’ve chosen to try grafting some of our favorite heirloom tomato varieties this season. Tomato grafting isn’t new, and many commercial producers rely on this method of heirloom tomato production to improve...
by Clare | Jun 1, 2012 | Farm Blog, Garden, Vegetables
The kitchen garden this year has been running a little behind. Somewhere around February, peak seed starting time, we found ourselves knee deep in barn building, instead of sowing seeds in the greenhouse. Once the barn was finished, we had to scramble to catch up....
by Clare | May 29, 2012 | Farm Blog, Flora and Fauna, Native Plants, Natives
There’s no question that this is my favorite time of year. The native gardens are at their absolute best between May and June, when so many of the plants are in peak bloom. This proved to be a very busy weekend for us, as we tried to catch up on a rather long...
by Clare | May 22, 2012 | Farm Blog, Goats
When Lotus wrote the last post, she was convinced the farmers had completely lost the plot. Over the course of a week the girls had been bathed, clipped from head to toe, and had both of their ears tattooed. Even though they didn’t realize it, this was all to...
by Clare | May 11, 2012 | Farm Blog, Garden
Now that I’m almost caught up in the vegetable gardens for spring, I thought I’d take a moment to update on the progress of the new native garden plan. Part of the delay in updating on the garden is that this project has now turned into revamping three...