About Us

Curbstone Valley Farm was founded by two crazy redheads, who have been together for over 30 years. ‘Farmwoman’, a Brit, and a Veterinarian, with a life-long passion for wildlife and nature, and her partner in crime, a native Californian, and Silicon Valley Engineer.

Tired of the Bay Area rat-race, congestion, and apartment living, they both retreated to the solitude of the Santa Cruz Mountains in 1993. There was a brief hiatus from the mountains while pursuing a Doctorate at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, but the coast and mountains soon beckoned them to return.

Not long after returning to the Santa Cruz mountains, and securing a modest 7 acre plot, the farm was founded, initially with poultry (everyone’s favorite gateway farm animal). Something was missing, though, and it wasn’t long before the inevitable first goats joined the farm.

Contrary to popular belief, it was the engineer’s idea to get the goats. Their endearing personalities, incredible sweet and creamy milk, and endlessly entertaining antics, have inspired a genuine passion for the Nigerian Dwarf breed.

Inevitably, the herd outgrew the farm, and a few years later the farm was relocated from Scotts Valley, to nearby Ben Lomond. A truly special place, with abundant blackberry, redwood, and madrone, which the goats relished.

Unfortunately, due to a historic wildfire in the region, that tore through the majority of the farm, claiming the lives of some truly special animals, leveling barns, the workshop, fencing, and water infrastructure on the evening of August 20, 2020, we and the herd were displaced for three months to the Santa Cruz County fairgrounds. A number of our friends and acquaintances lost homes during the fire, that burned through more than 86,000 acres, and burned 1401 structures.

As we continued to watch the north end of the State burn, we questioned the sanity of remaining in California, and after much soul-searching, and consideration, we chose to follow some good friends eastward, and move ourselves, and the herd, 3000 miles, to a beautiful farm in Catlett, Virginia, in the fall of 2021.

As a result of the fire, we took a hiatus from breeding for the first time ever, during the 2021 season, while we prepared ourselves, and the herd, for the big move. Due to changing jobs, and outside responsibilities, along with impending retirement, we have signficiantly reduced breeding since our arrival in Virginia, and will only offer a limited number of kids over the next year.