Born: March 21, 2017
Sire: CH Castle Rock Abraham Darby *B*S
SS: CRF Castle Rock Guy Noir +*B+S
SD: GCH-ARMCH CRF Castle Rock Tuscan Sun 1*M *D VEEE 90
Dam: Castle Rock Neve Ice 2*M 4*D AR 2978
DS: CRF Castle Rock Harvest Moon +*B +*S
DD: SGCH CRF Castle Rock Blizzard 1*M 3*D VEEE 91
A repeat of our 2016 breeding that produced our beautiful doe, Curbstone Valley Chanterelle, Perito Moreno is named after the Glacier in Santa Cruz, Argentina, near El Calafate.
All of Neve and Darby's daughters have been angular, long, elegant, and stand naturally uphill. This striking doe is no exception, but is particularly feminine in appearance.
Morena's dam, Castle Rock Neve Ice, easily earned her advanced registry milking star as a first freshener, in milk volume, butterfat, and protein, and exhibited a tremendous amount of depth and capacity as a first freshener.